Monday, December 3, 2012

Platform as a Service: Gaining Computing Power Without Losing Control

You've built, tested, and deployed your enterprise applications on your provider's cloud platform and all the bells and whistles are perfected. Then, your provider increases its prices. Or maybe, the level of service isn't what you had expected. You want to change providers, but your investment has locked you in and frankly, now you're stuck. Fearing this scenario, many IT architects shy away from Platform as a Service (PaaS)-in spite of all its productivity benefits for developers. But, it doesn't have to play out this way.

Leveraging open-source, open-standard solutions, developers can enjoy all the advantages of PaaS, while IT admins keep their data centers under their own control. The question then becomes:
  • How does an IT architect maintain that balance?
  • How do you move into the cloud without the development team learning an entirely new language or adopting new middleware?
  • How does an IT architect streamline application development workflows and accelerate IT service delivery?

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