Monday, February 28, 2011

Decisions That Drive Success

Read this white paper to learn how decision management makes it possible to use predictive analytics as an integral part of real-time decision process including: the different types of decisions and which ones are right for automation; how decision management solutions work; and how to implement a decision management solution at your organization.

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Five Steps to Improving Business Performance through Customer Intimacy

Read this to realize the full potential of your customer relationships. Learn the five disciplines where customer intimacy is forged:
  • Customer acquisition focused on attracting the right customers efficiently
  • Relationship development strategies based on customer interests and what they are most likely to buy
  • Customer value and satisfactionâ€"based retention strategy
  • Operational excellence achieved by acting on customer insight
  • Product leadership based on delivering products customers want

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Seven Reasons You Need Predictive Analytics Today

Read this white paper to uncover why predictive analytics is becoming a necessity for companies to gain and maintain advantage:
  • Why predictive analytics has emerged as a proven way to gain competitive advantage.
  • How you can use your company's accumulated information to predict effective ways to increase sales, enhance customer relationships, address consumer needs, and more.
  • How predictive analytics enables people all across your business to gain more insight, make better decisions and take more decisive actions when they matter most.

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Entrepreneur's Instant Startup Guide

Along with your free guide; you will also receive a free trial issue to Entrepreneur Magazine. For just $11.97 (Canadian residents $35.97), you'll get an additional eleven issues full of the latest information on:
  • Strategies on how to finance your business
  • Management techniques
  • Startup trends
  • Marketing strategies
  • Useful tools and tips, and much more!
If you choose not to subscribe, simply return the bill marked “cancel.” You'll owe nothing and the trial issue and Instant Startup Guide are yours to keep FREE.

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'Think Lean' When Developing Management System Documentation

For a variety of reasons, organizations choose to develop, implement and maintain a management system that conforms to the requirements of one or more management system standards. Typically the ISO9001:2008 standard. Once an organization has made the decision to implement a management system, the question of how best to develop and implement the system must be addressed to ensure it does not place an undue burden on an organization.

The purpose of this white paper is to describe an efficient and effective process for either preparing the required documentation or revising the existing documentation, to better meet the needs of the organization. Quite simply, an overly documented system places a greater administrative burden on the organization. This can lead to:
  • Disillusionment
  • Lack of acceptance
  • Noncompliance
  • Over spending
  • Wasted time and resources
Download this white paper to learn strategies for "Lean" and efficient document management system thinking.

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

'Close More Deals with Less Effort' - EchoSign Webinar: March 9, 11am PT (1pm CT / 2pm ET)

Attend this webinar for a live product demo and learn:
  • How to make any document a signable contract by adding fields for initials, signatures or free form content on the fly
  • How easy it is to get your customers to sign contracts with electronic signatures via web, fax, Blackberry or iPhone
  • How to create automatic alerts so you know when your contract was delivered, viewed and signed
  • Got Salesforce? See how to send contracts for signature directly from
Register today!

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Monday, February 21, 2011

SaaS ERP: A Viable Model for Job Shops and Small Manufacturers

This white paper describes how the Software as a Service (SaaS) model delivers financial, implementation and operational benefits to job shops and small manufacturers. It also describes how Epicor Manufacturing Express Edition, a comprehensive ERP system deployed in the SaaS model, meets the needs of job shops and small manufacturers. With Epicor Express, job shops and small manufacturers now have the opportunity to implement an ERP solution that can help transform their operations and business.

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Exadata Hybrid Columnar Compression

Exadata Hybrid Columnar Compression enables the highest levels of data compression and provides enterprises with tremendous cost-savings and performance improvements due to reduced I/O. Average storage savings can range from 10x to 15x depending on which Exadata Hybrid Columnar Compression feature is implemented.

Exadata Hybrid Columnar Compression is an enabling technology for two new Oracle Exadata Storage Server features: Warehouse Compression and Archive Compression. This paper discusses each of these features in detail.

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

BlogNotions Mobile Newsletter: Monthly eNewsletter Featuring Blogs from Industry Experts

The BlogNotions Mobile Newsletter delivers a diverse series of perspectives provided by thought leaders in the mobile industry. Presented by NetLine, this forum delivers compelling updates on the latest technological advances, discussions of emerging technologies, best practices for working within the Web 2.0 culture, implications for the future, and much more. This newsletter not only provides thought provoking content, but also is accompanied by an open forum for mobile enthusiasts to collaborate with experts in the industry. Don't miss this valuable newsletter, subscribe today!

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30 Marketing Ideas in 30 Days Entrepreneurs DIY Marketing Guide

What can you do in 30 days? What you can do is you put your energy into marketing each and every day for the next 30 days during Entrepreneurs "Do It Yourself" Marketing Month? Think about it. If you put even 20 minutes into marketing your business each day, where will you be at the end of the month? At the end of the year? Go ahead, MarketingSavant is here to help!

This eBook is catalyst for your marketing endeavors and business growth.

With this free eBook you will also receive weekly marketing news, tips, and advice delivered to your inbox courtesy of MarketingSavant.

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Friday, February 18, 2011

Administracin Avanzada del Sistema Operativo GNU/Linux

Los sistemas GNU/Linux han llegado a un grado de madurez importante, que los hacen válidos para integrarlos en cualquier ambiente de trabajo, ya sea des- de el escritorio del PC personal, hasta el servidor de una gran empresa.

Aprenderemos cómo proporcionar desde GNU/Linux los servicios necesariosa diferentes ambientes de usuarios y máquinas. El campo de la administración de sistemas es enorme, hay muchas tareas, muchos problemas por tratar, hay que tener grandes conocimientos de hardware y software, y no está de más un poco de psicología para tratar con los usuarios finales de los sistemas. El libra no pretende abordar una distribución GNU/Linux particular, pero se han escogido un par de ellas para tratar los ejemplos: Debian y Fedora (y deri- vadas de Red Hat).

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Windows Vista Customization Manual

Windows Vista is a great operating system, with looks that really bring it up to date over its predecessor â€" Windows XP. If you are looking to add your personal touch to your Windows Vista installation, this guide will help you get started. There are literally thousands of different customizations you can apply and this guide only scratches the surface. With this free Guide you will also receive updates detailing additional Windows tools, help, and guides in your email courtesy of MintyWhite.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

La funcin de TI en la planificacin estratgica

Los directores de TI (tecnologías de información) y gerentes de finanzas discrepan en lasfunciones pero concuerdan en la necesidad de contar con mejoras. Desde mediados de la década de 1960, los ejecutivos y la gerencia superior han adoptado laplanificación estratégica corporativa como un medio para diseñar estrategias dirigidas amejorar la competitividad; por lo general, estas estrategias incluyen un aumento de laparticipación en el mercado, la penetración en nuevos mercados y la presentación de nuevosproductos y servicios.

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Tackling Critical IT Challenges with Desktop Virtualization

If you're responsible for desktop management, don't miss this on-demand webinar featuring Seattle Children's Hospital Chief Technical Architect sharing how they are realizing impressive benefits with a desktop virtualization solution from Wyse and Citrix. Then dive deeper to discover how this desktop virtualization solution is transforming the traditional desktop model to achieve unprecedented levels of simplicity, performance and security while allowing organizations to:
  • Reduce operational cost and complexity
  • Enable virtual work styles
  • Support green initiatives
Access the on-demand webinar now!

Provided by: Citrix Systems and Wyse Technology

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Excel 2010: Macros in Depth Free Video Training Tutorials

Topics include:
  • Understanding what a macro does
  • Reviewing the recording method
  • Running macros from an object or clip art
  • Recording a simple macro
Along with the free video training tutorials you will also receive monthly offers, tips, and insider information you won't hear elsewhereâ€"including special discounts extended to newsletter subscribers.

After taking advantage of the free video training, you can access all of's video tutorials by becoming a member of the Online Training Library®. Membership plans start at $25 per month, and require no long-term commitment.

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See How Easy Attendance and Scheduling Can Be

Learn how painless it can be to track employee attendance WITHOUT spreadsheets or paper. Get a free trial of Replicon Web TimeSheet Time & Attendance software, and you'll see that it can be incredibly easy. Replicon's award-winning timesheets let both managers and employees enter and view data with ease. And because the solution is cloud-based, you eliminate the cost and headaches of in-house hosting.
  • Improve speed and accuracy
  • Track overtime: Comply with labor regulations
  • View time off: Automate requests and accruals
  • Get accurate payroll: Share data with your other applications
Try it FREE! There's no obligation and no credit card required. See why 1.5 million users in more than 70 countries call Replicon's cloud-based software "incredibly easy"!

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Drupal 7 Essential Training Free Video Training Tutorials

Topics include:
  • Getting a Drupal site up fast
  • Deciding whether to use Drupal
  • Understanding nodes
  • Creating new content types
  • Modifying image styles
  • Selecting and installing themes
  • Launching a Drupal site
Along with the free video training tutorials you will also receive monthly offers, tips, and insider information you won't hear elsewhereâ€"including special discounts extended to newsletter subscribers.

After taking advantage of the free video training, you can access all of's video tutorials by becoming a member of the Online Training Library®. Membership plans start at $25 per month, and require no long-term commitment.

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AutoCAD 2011: Tips, Tricks and Industry Secrets Free Video Training Tutorials

Topics include:
  • Adding relevant data to Quick Properties and tooltips
  • Creating custom ribbon tabs and panels
  • Disabling mode settings on the fly
  • Generating boundaries from difficult shapes
  • Calculating the area of multiple shapes
  • Squeezing text into tight spaces
Along with the free video training tutorials you will also receive monthly offers, tips, and insider information you won't hear elsewhereâ€"including special discounts extended to newsletter subscribers.

After taking advantage of the free video training, you can access all of's video tutorials by becoming a member of the Online Training Library®. Membership plans start at $25 per month, and require no long-term commitment.

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Installing Apache, MySQL and PHP Free Video Training Tutorials

Topics include:
  • Performing Apache, PHP, and MySQL as separate installs
  • Setting the MySQL root user password
  • Installing WampServer
  • Changing PHP versions with WampServer add-ons
  • Installing MAMP
  • Configuring Apache and MySQL server ports
  • Installing Xampp for Windows and Mac
  • Managing MySQL security through Xampp
  • Detecting and handling port conflicts
Along with the free video training tutorials you will also receive monthly offers, tips, and insider information you won't hear elsewhereâ€"including special discounts extended to newsletter subscribers.

After taking advantage of the free video training, you can access all of's video tutorials by becoming a member of the Online Training Library®. Membership plans start at $25 per month, and require no long-term commitment.

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Creating Multilingual APEX Applications Free 24 Page Chapter

The consequence of publishing applications on the web is that anyone from anywhere in the world (and beyond since they have the Internet on the International Space Station) can view your work. When your target audience is in one country, a single language is often enough. But what can you do when you want to serve your website to many international visitors in their native tongue? Application Express offers built-in functionality to translate applications, without having to rebuild the application completely. This chapter is about how we can fully translate an application using those built-ins and adding something of ourselves to easily switch between languages.

Packt Enterprise books can be summed up through the tagline "Professional Expertise Distilled". They take in-the-trenches knowledge from experienced software professionals, and distill it into a single, easy to follow manuscript.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Securing Sensitive Data in File Shares

All companies invest in software and staff to ensure they are able to control access to critical information that's stored in applications and databases because it's part of standard business and IT operations. Despite those investments, companies don't put the same amount of resources toward protecting unstructured stores like file shares. View the archive of this educational webinar to learn how your company can effectively manage access to data in file shares.

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EQ is the only recording magazine that brings the entire band into the studio every month with its innovative Techniques section. In every issue of EQ, musicians get essential info on recording and/or producing tracks for guitar, bass, keyboards, drums, and voice - as well as tutorials for mixing their tracks. EQ's unique Cheat Sheet section reveals tricks for readers to master specific software and hardware tools â€" while Power App Alleys provides graphically rich, product-specific, easy-to follow tutorials on software.

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